Category Archives: Electronics

OR gate

OR gate is a digital circuit which performs OR operation on inputs. In OR operation section I discussed about the Boolean logic, OR operation. If any input is true the output is true. So OR gate is a digital circuit where output goes to high state (1) if any of the inputs are high. The… Read the rest

OR operation

In AND operation section I have mentioned that there are three basic Boolean operations in digital electronics and OR operation is one of them. In OR operation, if only one input is true then the output will be true. In other words with OR operation we check whether any of the inputs are true (in… Read the rest

AND gate

AND gate is a digital circuit which performs AND operation on inputs. As I discussed in previous section that AND gate gives high output when all inputs are high. In other cases its output must be low (i.e. 0). So we need to design a circuit in that way. Truth table for AND gate Figure… Read the rest

AND operation

AND gate symbol There are three basic operations in digital electronics, i.e. OR, AND and NOT operation. At first I would like to discuss about AND operation. When all the input conditions are true then the output will be true. If one or more input conditions are false, output will be false. In simple words… Read the rest

Boolean algebra

Boolean algebra is named after English mathematician George Boole who introduced this different type of algebra in his first book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic. It was the driving force in development of digital electronics. All modern programming languages use this algebra. It has application in other branches of mathematics also. In ordinary algebra variables… Read the rest

Digital Electronics

Electronics changed the world and digital electronics has changed electronics. This digital electronics is different from analogue electronics. Before starting discussion on digital electronics I think it’s better to have some discussion on analogue and digital concept. Time is changing continuously and your analogue watch dial changes continuously. Your car speedometer with needle, mercury thermometer,… Read the rest