More is lost by indecision than wrong… Marcus Tullius Cicero
great man is hard on himself. A… Confucius
No great mind has ever existed without… Aristotle
Make your own rules or be a… William Blake
Anybody can become angry - that is… Aristotle
How you treat others is a direct… Unknown
Character is like a tree and reputation… Abraham Lincoln
The law of attraction is this: You… Wayne Dyer
To err is human; to admit it,… Doug Larson
We are very good lawyers for our… Paulo Coelho
Dead people receive more flowers than the… Anne Frank
A fool is known is by his… Pythagoras
Parents do a lot for their children,… William Shakespeare
Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiA person who is nice to you,… Dave Barry
Most people are other people. Their thoughts… Oscar Wilde