It takes a wise man to discover… Diogenes
The best teacher is time; The best… Unknown
The more we study, the more we… Percy Bysshe Shelley
Never memorize something that you can look… Albert Einstein
Everybody is a genius. But if you… Albert Einstein
All Kids are born geniuses, but are… Michio Kaku
Speak to your children as if they… Brooke Hampton
A fool is known is by his… Pythagoras
If we continue to accumulate only power… Carl Sagan
There are worse crimes than burning books.… Joseph Brodsky
I have gained this from philosophy: that… Aristotle
It is the mark of an educated… Aristotle
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees… Confucius
Don't call the world dirty because you… Aaron Hill
Formal education will make you a living;… Jim Rohn
If women are expected to do the… Plato