It takes a wise man to discover… Diogenes
What we know is a drop, what… Isaac Newton
The more we study, the more we… Percy Bysshe Shelley
Never memorize something that you can look… Albert Einstein
All Kids are born geniuses, but are… Michio Kaku
A fool is known is by his… Pythagoras
Turn your wounds into wisdom.
Oprah WinfreyBeware of false knowledge; it is more… George Bernard Shaw
If we continue to accumulate only power… Carl Sagan
There are worse crimes than burning books.… Joseph Brodsky
The more you know, the less you… Jim Rohn
Two there are who are never satisfied;… Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert EinsteinMemory is the mother of all wisdom.
AeschylusYesterday I was clever, so I wanted… Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age… Oscar Wilde