Category Archives: Videos

Folding paper more than seven times

Most of us have heard the myth that you can’t fold a paper sheet more than seven times, doesn’t matter how big the paper sheet is. But this Mythbusters team has folded a football field size paper eleven times. Watch the video.… Read the rest

How much sugar is added to a can?

Excessive sugar is never a good thing. Perhaps you can’t imagine how much sugar is added to a can of soda or fruit drinks. It’s seven to eight tea spoon of sugar. Do you normally take this amount of sugar at home? Marshal Brain explaining this with an experiment which you can do at home.… Read the rest

Death-proof safety elevator

Today’s safety elevators don’t fall when cable breaks. A lock invented by American industrialist Elisha Otis locks the elevator while descending at high speed and hence prevents falling. This death defying elevator was introduced in 1852. Watch this discovery channel video to see how it was invented.… Read the rest

Solar & lunar eclipse explained

What is the difference between solar and lunar eclipse? Did you know a lunar eclipse on earth is like a solar eclipse on moon? Why lunar eclipse is so common compared to solar eclipse? You can watch lunar eclipse with naked eye, but not solar eclipse. Watch the video, physics girl explains all.… Read the rest

Behavior of water in space

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield shows how water behaves in weightless environment of space station. He tries to wring out water from a wet wash cloth but because of surface tension water sticks with his hand like jelly and he uses another dry wash cloth to remove water from his hand.… Read the rest