The Health benefits of superfoods are pretty impressive. They have countless health benefits. Below are some superfoods with their health benefits.
Flavonoids in papaya help fight cancer cells. Carotene in papaya helps block lung cancer and the oral cavity. It helps control blood pressure. It facilitates bowel movements. It helps prevent blood clots.
Brazil nuts
Nuts contain healthy monounsaturated fats. Nuts help lower bad cholesterol and raise levels of good cholesterol. These are heart-healthy snacks. Selenium in nuts increases anti-oxidants which combats cancer and heart disease. Vitamins and minerals in nuts are good for metabolic health. Copper in nuts helps prevent anemia and bone weakness.
Spinach has health benefits for the entire body. Spinach has flavonoids that help fight cancer. It’s good for eye health. It strengthens bones. Furthermore, it enhances brainpower and the immune system.
Seaweeds regulate hormones, help fight cancer, prevent high blood pressure. Seaweeds strengthen mucus and protect the wall of the gut.
Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that enhances disease fighting capability. Tomatoes help fight cancerous elements. They have positive effects on diabetic patients, nerve and brain tissues. It helps lower bad cholesterol. They are linked with improved heart health, sleep, and memory.
Broccoli is rich in carotenoids which get the body free from harmful compounds. Broccoli is also rich in sulforaphane which expels cancer-causing chemicals from the body. It is the only veggie that has sulforaphane which makes it champions among superfoods. Broccoli is linked with improved heart health, digestive health, and cognitive functioning. It helps reduce tumor growth and helps maintain weight.
Black raspberries
Black raspberries contain cancer-prevention properties. Black raspberries are more powerful than other berries. Antioxidants in black raspberries are better in fighting certain free radicals than antioxidants in other berries. They are high in a phenolic compound that helps fight disease. Black raspberries are linked with a reduction in tumor growth and a reduction in risks of colon and esophageal cancers. Black raspberries contain high levels of ellagic acid which is anti-viral and anti-bacterial.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are linked with improved brain function, cancer prevention, and lowering blood pressure. They are high in polyphenolic antioxidants that keep the body free from harmful radicals. Walnuts contain zinc, magnesium, and iron. Vitamin E in walnuts protects skin and membrane.
Garlic may help lower risks of certain types of cancer, as pointed out by the National Cancer Institute. Garlic can help with cold sores, psoriasis, and weight control. It can be good for hair health and can help reduce acne.
Black pepper
Black pepper has digestive and other health benefits. It helps stimulate fat cell breakdown, promote urination and reduce intestinal gas. Black pepper increases hydrochloric acid that helps improve digestion.
Lentils have numerous health benefits. Lentils are linked with a reduction in risks of heart disease and lowering of cholesterol levels. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Lentils are a great source of lean proteins. It’s a low-calorie and high-nutrient food.
Fish oil
Fish oil is linked with enhanced brain and cardiovascular health. It helps mitigate symptoms associated with IBS. It may help prevent cancer as well.
Ginger is good for stomachaches and digestion. Ginger can be used as a cognitive enhancer, anti-cancer agent, nausea remedy, menstrual symptom reliever, and pain reliever.
Extra-virgin olive oil is linked with reduced breast, and respiratory cancer.
Extra-virgin olive oil
Extra-virgin olive oil is linked with reduced cholesterol, reduced inflammatory properties, reduced risks of heart attack, and reduced risks of digestive, breast, and respiratory cancer. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels and block arteries from hardening. It helps reduce the risks of high blood pressure.
Peppermint can be an effective natural remedy for stuffy nose, tension headaches, nausea, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.
Pineapples contain vitamin C, fiber, bromelain, and plenty of moisture. Pineapples are linked with many other health benefits including lowered cholesterol level, reduced symptoms of sore throat, enhanced immune functions, anti-inflammatory properties, and reduced risks of bronchitis.
Water has many health benefits. It’s linked with better digestive and kidney health. It helps reduce muscle fatigue. It’s also linked with hydrated skin and efficient elimination of toxins from the body. Water also helps reduce calorie intake when consumed before a meal.
Tart cherry juice
Tart cherry juice has cancer and disease prevention properties. It’s the best among other fruits in absorbing oxygen free radicals. It’s linked with many other health benefits including healthier sleep patterns, better immune system, enhanced brain function, faster recovery from exercise fatigue, and healthier cardiovascular function.