Getting loan from a financial organization is never easy. Everyone wants to ensure that they will get back the money with full interest in due time. You need property to secure the loan. What happens if you don’t have any property or no one is available as grantor? Answer is simple you don’t get the loan.
But in china answer isn’t that simple, if you are female still you have a chance and of course if you want to use that. Your nude selfie holding your ID card can be used as collateral. Lenders will lend you money and they will keep your naked photo. Failure to repay will cause embarrassment for you. These photos will be sent to your family members and closed ones which gives guarantee that loan will be paid back.
Many female college and university students of china have taken this strange lending opportunity when traditional financial organizations like banks have refused them study loans.
But everything didn’t run smoothly. Because of high interest rate many female students failed to repay and loan sharks circulated those naked photos on internet chat rooms instead of showing those to their families. Many female students have complained their nude photos were circulated even after repaying the loan in due time.
In fact this unethical lending service was surfaced after allegations from some victims. Experts say, it’s difficult to curb this type of lending service when students are desperate to get loan. Access to easy loan for them may be the only solution.