Electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. To understand the working principle you can build a simple motor at home. For this experiment you will need thin insulated wire, battery, paper clip or safety pin, tape, scissors, crocodile clip and adhesive tape. First video is very simple; it shows how to build simple motor… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Electricity
Lemon battery
Making a lemon battery is very easy. Lemon contains citric acid and with the help of citric acid two different metals can generate electricity. You will need lemon, copper coin, zinc coated nail, crocodile clip, multimeter and a LED to make battery. It can be a science fair project also. So watch this hilaroad video… Read the rest
Battery from coin
It’s a very simple experiment to generate electricity from copper coins and I bet you will enjoy. This copper coin battery can light LED, can power your TV remote controller. Along with ten copper coins you will need cardboard, foil, vinegar, salt water, scissors, plastic tape and a LED to check whether your battery is… Read the rest