Category Archives: Physics

Van Allen radiation belts

Radiation belts are two ring shaped layer of plasmas high above earth’s surface. Earth’s magnetic field is responsible for keeping them in place. Sometimes the inner belt is called Van Allen belt because James Van Allen discovered it in 1958. The lower belt The lower belt starts at top of the atmosphere and exists up… Read the rest

De Broglie Hypothesis

Louis de Broglie French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed this hypothesis. It was a ground breaking hypothesis in fact. Earlier Louis de Broglie was a student of history, later he built his career in physics. He proposed this famous theory in his PhD thesis in 1924 (some people think the year was 1923). Newton thought… Read the rest

Mass energy relation in Chemistry

When we hear something about mass energy relation, we imagine the power of a nuclear bomb. It’s correct, when nuclei split into two or three parts it loses mass and that mass is converted into energy. Mass energy relation is one of the consequences of Einstein’s theory of relativity. In fact the famous E=mc2   Read the rest